Saturday 24 January 2015

Delhi's Political Winter

I am a Rightist.
Lets start my First Blog on this site with this Submission.
I was always avowedly interested in Indian Polity and its  course of action. The recent Developments in Delhi really yields a great deal of interest in my Mind as to how an Election is more and more becoming a Game of Dissatisfied Ego.
At one hand We have a Self Proclaimed Anarchist and Anti-Corruption Crusader of Modern times Arvind Kejriwal and on the Other We have a Long Time Activist Kiran Bedi with a long Record of Public Service.
While the nature of Indian Polity is changing with a Tendency to Bring more and more competency into the Public Life with recent Induction of Kiran Bedi by BJP, what amazes me is that how this Election is more about a Personal Battle of Ego. If the People choose Kiran Bedi over Arvind Kejriwal what exactly they can expect . For me a Stable Government and Competent Governance is more important than any other thing.
While in India the sole Culture of Subsidizing Everything and Giving Freebies have become an inherent Political Tool, there is need to change  the Perception about Governments, In my opinion it can and should  act as a Tool to increase the Quality of Life and their capacity to avail better life instead of only giving them Subsidies.
Few years back I read that in India the Govt. has to spend Rs. 3.5 to give Subsidy of Rs. 1. In a delivery system as unproductive and complex as India, we need a Revamp. Where the administration should look into giving more opportunity to its Citizens to capacity building , we have for long seen only Subsidies and Reservations. We need to look at it with a complete new framework. The Democratic Government has to be Pro-People but it cant always afford to act as a source of Freebies. It can largely be enabler of Policies and Governance. Its the call of time we need to change the whole style and bring Corporate Governance wherein the Administration will act as an Organization with a CEO .
The only way to increase Growth is to make People do better for themselves and give them that Platform instead of making them a Sluggish Help-Seeking Community.
We need to Debate over all these. A government can't be all about Agitation , it has to bring discipline in Place. Kiran Bedi can be that . Arvind Kejriwal in my opinion has always overestimated his Political Wisdom and Peoples' Patience. This time We need Stability.Talking about Corruption is one thing but when you are in Power you need to be more about Governance. Blaming each other and Negative Politics need to change. The course of Politics which Kejriwal came to change, I must say he is only feeding that same old Politics. We need a Break.
Now the Question is How all these relate to the Topic of this Article. The Author has been going through all the recent developments and is of the opinion that the Debate around Governance is diverted in this "Issue-less" Election in Delhi. Magsaysay Award, Compatriots of Anna Hazare Movement , Clean Image - there are many such things which make the Two Faces similar. But The Difference is in approach. People can be credible but competence is judged by Performance. Kiren Bedi stands high in that .
Lets wait for February 10th. Till then lets keep an eye on this Political Circus.
With Rightist Regards,